How to Eat More Food Without Consuming More Calories

on Apr 29, 2010

Step 1: Eat more vegetables

That’s it, you’re done!

Vegetables rank very low when it comes to caloric density. But they rank up on top when it comes to health benefits. Surely you have all those fancy vitamins and antioxidants. But vegetables also help keep your digestive system (and the rest of your body) running smoothly with their high fiber content. So meals should be loaded with vegetables. And you can eat a lot without the extra burden of calories. Unfortunately, a lot of our meals (especially what you get when eating out) offer meager vegetable content at best. What can we do to change this reality? For one thing, we can order the food that does come with vegetables. Perhaps we can even request that veggie filled items be added to the menu. If enough people do this, then it’s surely in the interest of an establishment to do so. And if you’re cooking yourself, then toss some more veggies in there and add some life to the meal!